On Average linkedIn user takes 3 seconds to decide if they want you to be in there network or not

These 3 seconds are 1 second (account photo) - 1 second ( cover photo) - 1 second (your value and experience)

  1. Professional photo

The photo should be showing your face the face with a smile - the face must be 50% of the photo


  1. Cover photo:

Cover photo better be related to your company (logo..slogan,,,etc)

  1. Highlights
  1. Add your location (it is important for the markets that you are targeting)
  2. About:

Should include some personal information about how you started what did you achieve and other relevant experiences in numbers (business results) + information about the project / product . Also you can add personal information/ feelings like gratitude

  1. Add activities
  2. In the experience section add your current work position: